History of NOKIA

Nokia, a Finnish telecommunications and consumer electronics company, has a rich history dating back to its founding in 1865 as a paper pulp mill. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that Nokia started to shift its focus towards telecommunications, particularly mobile phones. In 1987, Nokia launched its first handheld mobile phone, the Mobira Cityman 900, which became a symbol of luxury and sophistication. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Nokia dominated the mobile phone market, becoming the largest vendor of mobile phones worldwide.

During this period, Nokia introduced iconic devices such as the Nokia 3310, known for its durability and long battery life, and the Nokia 5110, which featured customizable covers, setting a trend for personalization in mobile phones. However, Nokia faced significant challenges in the late 2000s due to the rise of smartphones, particularly Apple's iPhone and devices running Google's Android operating system. Despite efforts to transition to the smartphone market with its Symbian and later Windows Phone platforms, Nokia struggled to compete effectively, leading to a decline in market share and financial difficulties.

In 2014, Nokia sold its struggling handset division to Microsoft, marking the end of its era as a major player in the mobile phone industry. However, Nokia continued to evolve, focusing on telecommunications infrastructure, networking solutions, and emerging technologies such as 5G. In recent years, Nokia has positioned itself as a key player in the development and deployment of 5G networks, aiming to leverage its expertise in telecommunications to drive innovation and connectivity in the digital age.